Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Bishop and I

Truly, the way God works is amazing and incredible beyond what the human mind could ever comprehend or express. To say that I was greatly impressed by the Bishop is like saying that the rain is wet. Bishop Moore was everything you would expect in a Bishop and great Man of God and then some. His presence commands an err of respect while at the same time his heart of Christ lets you know that he is not only approachable but also full of love and grace. By dress he appeared to be ready for the cover of GQ magazine. His manner of speech could go from intellectual to being able to speak to the modern teen and even a gangster and relate equally as well with all. Seldom have I felt Jesus radiating from any man as powerfully as I did from Bishop Moore. Yet, his spirit was humble, accommodating, and comforting while at the same time expressing that indeed he was human too. Refined but with others in mind is the best way to describe Bishop Moore.

As I have expressed many times before, I am far from the traditional Preacher. Though having lived in Michigan for 13 years now, my southern accent is as pronounced and evident as ever before. Because I have been unable to work for a couple of years now due to health issues and the fact that my weight has greatly fluctuated due to this and recently discovering I am diabetic, my wardrobe is greatly lacking. What I managed to piece together as business apparel greatly paled in comparison to Bishop Moore. Because of his refined nature and sophisticated style, the Bishop came bearing gifts. Because of being such a country boy, my idea of an awesome greeting is a big smile and a firm handshake. I did feel bad at not having gifts for the Bishop but he was kind enough to tell me not to feel that way. This definitely was in every aspect two completely different worlds coming together to meet in the middle for the Body of Christ and the glory of almighty God.

Interestingly enough, though we came today from two different worlds, the fact stood out above all that in so many ways Bishop Moore and I think very much alike and share the same Holy Spirit inspired visions. We both have experience in leadership and management and share the same philosophy on our visions, doctrine, and belief in Jesus as well as Christianity and what the Church should be in contemporary times.

Yet, it is our differences that shall be our strength moving forward. First of all, you have the obvious racial differences which are not seen as differences by the Bishop and I at all. Yet, contemporary society is still very much affected by the strongholds of racial prejudice from all races though, very thankfully, far from all people. There does seem to be a constant and unwritten rule that black people do not belong in white churches and white people do not belong in black churches. It is no coincidence that Bishop Moore has a unique understanding of the world of a white person and I have been blessed with a unique understanding of the world of black people. Most of my closest friends from childhood, especially those I still have the priveledge of calling friend today are black. God sees no differences in us but rather sees whether or not Jesus is in our hearts. It is time for society as a whole to see the same. Bishop Moore and I are going to build a powerful and far reaching ministry the likes of which has never been seen before. I can not stress enough, all glory to God.

Bishop Moore comes from a long line of Preachers. I come from the Mississippi delta and a dysfunctional family. Bishop Moore has a Masters and Doctorate in Theology. I have an Associates of Art in Accounting and a Bachelor of Science in Psychology. Bishop Moore has been a Bishop for a number of years. I have been an Ordained Pastor for a little over a month and was called into ministry less than two months ago. Yet, the Holy Ghost brought us together to be partners and grow a ministry that is going to break strongholds, lead countless lost souls to Christ, start a Nation wide and Worldwide Revival, and glorify God at all times. How truly awesome our God is in every way and beyond what any of us can even comprehend.

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