Egypt, one of the world's greatest ancient civilizations, would exist in the last days - but only as a lowly third world nation Ezekiel 29:14-16. Today, as predicted, Egypt remains an impoverished nation. To show how amazing this prophecy is, compare modern Egypt with the tiny nation of Austria. Egypt has ten times more land area, and a population eight times greater then Austria. Yet, Egypt's Gross Domestic Product is only one-fifth of Austria's GDP.
Mankind would be capable of destroying all life Matthew 24:21-22. Consider that when Jesus made this prediction the armaments of His day were swords and spears. But today, with nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons, it is possible to wipe out all flesh on planet earth.
The use of nuclear weapons anticipated Zechariah 14:12
The neutron bomb melts (dissolves) its victims -
just as Zechariah predicted 2500 years ago.
The neutron bomb melts (dissolves) its victims -
just as Zechariah predicted 2500 years ago.
Global communications foreseen Revelation 11:9-10; 17:8.
The Bible predicts that the entire world will "see" certain events unfold. The invention of the television and the deployment of global satellite networks during the 20th century allow news to travel the world at the speed of light for the first time ever. Remember that in the apostle John's day, news traveled at the speed of horseback.
The Bible predicts that the entire world will "see" certain events unfold. The invention of the television and the deployment of global satellite networks during the 20th century allow news to travel the world at the speed of light for the first time ever. Remember that in the apostle John's day, news traveled at the speed of horseback.
The Christian gospel would be preached as a warning to all nations Matthew 24:14; Mark 13:10 Today, portions or all of the Bible have been translated into over 2,300 languages and dialects covering over 90% of the world's population.
There would be a move toward a global government Daniel 2:40-44; 7:23; Revelation 13:7-8 The former Roman Empire - which encompassed present-day Europe - would revive and eventually dominate the world. The European Union has steadily moved forward in its attempt to unite Europe politically and economically. It has succeeded in creating a European parliament, a court, and a common currency.
Knowledge would increase Daniel 12:4; Isaiah 11:9. Specifically, this is referring to an understanding of Bible prophecy, but also an increase in scientific knowledge is implied.
There would be technology capable of tracking the world's population and commerce Revelation 13:16-17
The nation Israel would be born in one day Isaiah 66:8.
On May 14, 1948 Israel became a nation.
On May 14, 1948 Israel became a nation.
The Jews would begin to regather in Israel Jeremiah 31:7-10; Ezekiel 37:21-22; 38:8. Almost five million and counting!
The Jews would regain control of biblical Jerusalem Zechariah12:6; Luke 21:24.
This happened in 1967!
This happened in 1967!
The Eastern Gate would remain closed until the Messiah returns. At Christ's Second Coming, He will enter Jerusalem through the now sealed Eastern Gate Ezekiel 44:1-3. Today, as predicted, the Eastern Gate remains sealed.
The nation of Israel, which had been divided into two kingdoms since the time of Solomon (950 B.C.) - Israel in the north and Judah in the south - would be one united nation in the last days Ezekiel 37:15-17; 37:22. At present, as predicted, Israel is one nation.
The returning Jews would have no king in the last days Hosea 3:4-5. Amazingly, not only is Israel no longer a theocracy, but today the Jewish state is governed by a democracy comprised of some 30 political parties.
During the diaspora (the dispersion of the Jews to the four corners of the globe), Israel would become a wasteland Deuteronomy 29:23-28; Ezekiel 36:8-11; 36:33-36. During the past 1900 years Israel became a nearly uninhabited, desolate wasteland.
Israel, once a desolate desert, would blossom in the last days and export produce to the world Isaiah 27:6; 35:1-2; Ezekiel 36:34-36. Israel's increased rainfall and world-renowned irrigation technology have caused the land to blossom.
Incredibly, as predicted, they currently export 800 million dollars worth of fresh produce each year.
Homosexuality would be flaunted at the end of the age Luke 17:28-30; Genesis 19.
Ask your grandparents if there were such things as Gay Pride parades in their day.
Ask your grandparents if there were such things as Gay Pride parades in their day.
A woman, who is an impostor, would call herself "queen" and head the global counterfeit church in the last days Revelation 17; 18:7 . Tens of millions follow the apparition of Mary, who claims that she is the Mother of the Church, the Lady of All Nations, the Co-Redemptrix, and the Queen of Heaven and Earth.
The woman would also embody a great city set on seven hills Revelation 17:9; 18 . The Queen of Heaven is considered the Mother of the Roman Catholic Church which has its headquarters (the Vatican) situated on seven hills. As the Catholic Encyclopedia states, "It is within the city of Rome, called the city of seven hills, that the entire area of Vatican State proper is now confined."
A global economic system would exist Revelation 13:17; 18:3; 11; 19; 23;. Today, globalists in every level of government are seeking to unite the world. Connecting the world monetarily is crucial to their goal.
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